Nutritional Therapy
What is it?
Good nutrition is universally accepted to be important in preventing many diseases. Conventional doctors are more sceptical about the use of diets and supplements as a mean of treatment (except in clearly defined cases, such as diabetes). Nutritional therapists recognise that nutrient deficiencies, allergies, toxic build-up from polluted food, and problems with the balance of the gut flora are all significant causes of many illnesses, which can be controlled by modifying diet.
The practitioner will assess the patient's nutritional needs, by means of a questionnaire about their current diet and health, as well as a physical examination, focussing especially on the skin. Tests on samples of hair, urine or sweat may be used to determine nutritional deficiencies or allergies. A personalised regime will then be recommended, and it is common to keep a diary to record any observed correlation between daily intake and your health.
What conditions may be helped?
Many diets have been devised to improve general health, for example, detoxification diets, the Hay diet, the macrobiotic diet and the raw food diet. Many chronic health problems may be helped by the use of nutritional supplements and dietary changes, including:
Chronic fatigue syndrome
Digestive disorders
High cholesterol
High blood pressure
Irritable bowel syndrome
Skin problems, including eczema
Weight problems
In addition, there are also a number of special diets designed to help medical conditions, such as:
Autism - gluten free/casein free diet
ADHD Feingold diet
Epilepsy ketogenic diet
Cancer Gerson diet, Plaskett Nutritional Cancer Therapy
Heart disease Ornish diet
London Nutrition Clinic
6 Ashbridge Road
London E11 1NH
Tel: 020 8518 8442
Institute of Optimum Nutrition (ION)
Blades Court
Deodar Road
London SW15 2NU
Tel: 020 8877 9993
For a list of therapists, contact:
British Association of Nutritional Therapists
27 Old Gloucester Street
London WC1N 3XX
Tel: 08706 061284
Brain and Body
Registered dietician Emma Mills offers a detailed nutritional 'MOT' service with follow up care, and supplies information and news about good nutrition for physical and mental health. See:
Lazarides, Linda - Principles of Nutritional Therapy ISBN 0722532857
Werbach, Melvin - Nutritional Influences on Illness ISBN 0-9618550-5-3
Werbach, Melvin - Nutritional Influences on Mental Illness ISBN 0-9618550-8-8
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