Information Centre
The Resource Centre of Information
Offering information on conventional and complementary therapies and research
The Resource Centre offers information on conventional and complementary/alternative
medicine and therapies and research in relation to a large number of disabilities and
disorders. Our data has been gathered from a very wide range of sources and is presented
in a straightforward way. We do not make recommendations or favour particular treatments
but give you the necessary facts to make choices yourself.
What does the Resource Centre cover?
The database is constantly growing and we aim to make it as comprehensive as possible. Major
topics are documented with cross references to related disorders; available published research
is catalogued; names of centres of excellence, details of associations and lists of treatments
and therapies are given.
Just a few examples of conditions covered:
- Apraxia
- Asthma
- Ataxia
- Autism, Asperger
- Behavioural Disorders
- Blood disorders
- Cancer
- Cerebral Palsy
- Craniofacial Disorders
- Delayed Development
- Down's Syndrome
- Epilepsy
- Floppy
- Genius
- Global Delay
- Heart Disorders
- Hyperactivity
- Hyperflexia
- Metabolic Diseases
- Muscular Dystrophy
- Neurological Disorders (Microcephaly, Lissencephaly, Dyspraxia)
- Rare Disorders
- Sensory Impairment
- Skin Disorders
- Special Needs
- Speech /Language/Communication
- Tourette
- Undiagnosed
... and many more
And a few examples of treatments and therapies:
- Achievement of Human Potential (AHP)
- Acupuncture
- Alexander Technique
- Anthropological Medicine
- Aromatherapy
- Aston Patterning
- Auditory therapies
- Autogenic Therapy
- Behaviour modification
- Biofeedback and neurofeedback training
- Bobath Method
- Botulinum toxin
- Breathing techniques
- Brushing Therapy
- Chelation therapy
- Chinese medicine
- Chiropractic
- Colour films and lenses
- Conductive Education
- Cranial Osteopathy/craniosacral therapy
- Dance movement therapy
- Evening Primrose Oil
- Facilitated Communication
- Feingold Food Programme
- Feldenkrais technique
- Gee Therapy
- Herbalism
- Higashi School Daily Life Therapy
- Homeopathy
- Ketogenic Diet
- Kinesiology
- Lovaas
- Magnesium
- Magnetic Field Therapy
- Move
- Naturopathy
- Neurotherapy
- Nutritional Medicine
- Osteopathy
- Oxygen - hydrogen peroxide, hyperbaric oxygen, oxygen/ozone therapies
- Peto
- Physiotherapy
- Point Percussion
- Polarity Therapy
- Portage
- Pycnogenol
- Red Cell Fatty Acid Analysis
- Reflexology
- Rolfing
- Secretin
- Shiatsu
- Smart Drugs
- Speech and language therapy
- Sunflower Method
- Tomatis
- Tragerwork
- Vergus Nerve Stimulation
... and more
How can the Resource Centre help?
Whatever the diagnosis (or even if there is no diagnosis) we hope to offer useful, detailed information
which it may be difficult to source anywhere else. If you need a fuller picture of a condition, the names
of possible treatment centres, the latest research on nutritional medicine, information about new drugs or
suggestions for complementary therapies or the names of organisations which can help you further - simply ask
us for information.
Where is the Resource Centre?
Our office is in central London but our service is available nationwide and internationally.