
Aston Patterning


Aston Patterning was developed by Judith Aston. After two serious car accidents, she was recommended to Dr Ida Rolf (see fact sheet on Rolfing) who successfully treated her injuries. Dr Rolf was very interested in Aston's background as a movement education therapist as well as in her work with psychotherapists and she consequently asked her to work with her. Aston combined her therapeutic experience with Rolfing; however she discovered later that she didn't agree with Rolf's principles of gravity and body symmetry. According to Aston the body is not symmetric, each individual is unique and has a stronger side, it is possible that the body gets sometimes misaligned with gravity due to environmental factors. Aston went on to develop her own technique which she named Aston Patterning.

A session

Sessions are conducted one-on-one with a trained therapist, they require full involvement from the client and focus on four areas: movement education, bodywork, environmental factors, and fitness.
Therapists observe their client’s posture and how they move when they walk, sit down, reach or bend. They feed back any bad habits, tensions and restrictions that they notice and clients are taught to make adjustments to improve these bad habits. Therapists focus on the movements the clients can perform and not the ones they should perform.

Non compressive massage and soft-tissue work is also used to help release the tensions and restrictions, as well as spiralling strokes that stretch and release the tissues.

A third approach consists of making the clients ergonomically aware e.g. adjusting chairs and tables to the correct height. Throughout the years Aston has developed a range of ergonomic products such as cushions for chairs or car seats.

Finally practitioners also evaluate the fitness of their client and advise them on specific training according to their needs.

At the end of a session clients have a better mobility and stability, their energy is increased.

If undertaking any therapy always check its suitability for a specific condition.

Conditions that may respond to Aston Patterning

Back pain
Co-ordination problems
Muscle pain
Neck pain
Postural problems
Promoting health
Respiratory problems
Sport injuries


The Aston Training Centre 

PO Box 3568
Incline Village
NV 89450
Tel: (775) 831-8228 
International Tel: 01 775 831 8228
Email:  office@astonkinetics.com
Web:  http://astonkinetics.com

At the time this fact sheet was created there were no Aston patterning practitioners in the UK

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